Support Forum Log

Bug found in 1.1.2 / MW

When 'BPM change' or 'Stop' commands are made (therefore a note is made in either column), 'Please input new filename' dialogue is called. Once that occurs, BMSE cannot be properly closed

1: MW (2005-01-19 00:23)
One more problem found (in addition to what I posted in the message board with "korean.ini"). Please refer to the picture:
The text in red circled area keeps being switched back to Japanese.

Lastly, I'd like to make a suggestion: It'll be great to see a feature to add and subtract from the selection of objects. For instance, in a situation when some objects are selected,
-holding shift and clicking/dragging unselected objects adds them to the selection
-holding shift and clicking/dragging over already selected objects deselects them

Again, thanks for the great program! I'm sure many members of BMS Creating scene are glad! :D
2: Astro-Taka (2005-01-21 18:15)
3: tokonats (2005-01-27 06:35)
To MW:

Those bugs were fixed in BMSE 1.1.3. Thank you for the report.

And, your demand is mounted on it. However, please note that not the Shift key but the Ctrl key is used.


To Astro-Taka:

はじめまして。ご報告のバグですが、BMSE 1.1.3にて修正しておきました。既に公開してありますので、ダウンロードしてお使いください。

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